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Japanese engagement ring

March 24, 2023 11:00 AM
Hello, This is Shiho from the Japanese team.
It is getting warmer and warmer in Japan, and the Sakura season started in Tokyo!
That makes me so excited because Sakura is my favorite flower:)
What is your favorite flower?
Speaking of Sakura, one of our customers send us some beautiful pictures!
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Her engagement ring expresses the Sakura flower.
This design is Tsuki-Sakura.
It has a sakura petal and a sakura diamond which blooms forever!
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Mokumegane color combinations: White gold, Pink gold, and Green gold
Gem stones: Sakura diamond (Center), Clear diamond (Left)
Have you ever given your partner flowers?
They would love it if the flower you gave them would bloom forever!
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How about proposing to your special one with a special Japanese engagement ring?
We would love to assist you in finding your special ring for your special moment!
Look forward to seeing you anytime:)
We are going to introduce the Sakura diamond next time!
Have a wonderful weekend!