MOKUMEGANEYA rings had the most beautiful design we could find in the U.S.
April 23, 2024 8:59 AM
Mr. I. M. & Ms. M. K.
Mokume Gane Color combinations:White gold, Pink gold, Silver
Gemstones: Sakura Diamond

Mokume Gane Color combinations:White gold, Pink gold, Silver
Gemstones: Clear diamonds

Ql. Did you have any anxiety about MOKUMEGANEYA's rings before you chose our rings?
Whether patterns will be like what we want.
Q2. What was the main reason for ordering your rings from MOKUMEGANEYA?
Design: MOKUMEGANEYA rings had the most beautiful design we could find
in the U.S.
Customizability: The rings had very unique pattern that we can even customize!!????