Mr. V. X. &Ms. J. C.

Mokume Gane Color combinations: Color combinations: Pink gold×Yellow gold×Silver
Gemstones: Sakura diamond (Center), Pink diamond (Side)

Mokume Gane Color combinations: White gold×Pink gold×Silver
Gemstones(Right): Clear diamond (All)

Ql. Did you have any anxiety about MOKUMEGANEYA's rings before you chose our rings?
Yes, we were worried about sizing and the find look of the ring, but they turned out beautiful!
And the sizes fit too!
Q2. What was the main reason for ordering your rings from MOKUMEGANEYA?
The sakura diamond is a unique cut and the wood-grain pattern of the bands look the best here.
Other stores didn't have very thin bands.
Thank you for your courteous reply.
I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your rings made by Japanese traditional technique.
May you have a very happy married life !