Mr.Joshua Anderson and Ms.Theresa Cowell
(They stayed in Japan for one year and went back to USA.)

Thank you so much!
You have made us something very special, now
Where ever we go we take
Japan on our travels
Our beautiful rings mean
So much to us
Arigato! (=Thajnk you )
Q, What is the reason for order
A, We are getting married
and It is good for wedding rings.
Q, Please tell about the meeting
for your ring design.
A, Very very considerate and understanding,
lots of time taken in getting it just right.
Q, What is your favotite of your rings? 
A, The pattern and the craftmanship.
Q, What did you think, when you saw 
your rings at first?
A, I cried with happiness !
Q, What is response to your rings
from your friends and acquaintances?
A, They think they are very special
and we are taking home a small piece of Japan.
Q, Please tell your recent your life.
A, We are very happy to have seen so much
of Japan
and we feel priveledged to take home
such wondeful rings to the USA,
SAYONARA (good by) Japan.